We’ve also seen the amazing video about Datamoshing in Unreal Engine by Jam2Go and couldn’t help but wondering: Can pull this off in Houdini as well? And with a bit of Karma-, SOPs-, and Copernicus-Magic, this is actually quite easy and fun to pull off! […]
All Posts tagged “COP”
Building a Particle Brush for Copernicus
One of those really fun party trick brushes of Substance Painter is the particle brush, with which we can, well, paint particles onto an object, which in turn will run down it’s surface, leaving some nice streaks behind. Houdini has had particles for ages and […]
Building a PBR layering asset in Copernicus
In the last video, we showed you our take on a Substance like pbr layering workflow in Copernicus. And in that video we used a custom Digital Asset that allowed us to quickly load in all textures of a pbr material, do some basic tweaks […]
Building a Substance like texturing workflow in Copernicus
We’re back! And Houdini now has Copernicus, a complete rebuild of the image workspace with a focus on texturing! So, let’s see if we can build a texturing workflow where we can bring in multiple pbr texture sets and layer them onto an object with […]
A Bit Of VEX : Caustics Generator pt. 2 – Extended Features
Building on our last setup, we’re covering rendering out your caustics using COPs, art directing their pattern and making your caustics tileable. Download Project File