All Posts filed under “Blender

Painterly Renders with Houdini Curves and Blender Grease Pencil

Welcome to this years first Blendini Tutorial…? Well, Blender has gotten really good at rendering brushstrokes with it’s Grease Pencil system – and Chris wants to have that functionality for his Houdini setups as well! So in this video, we’re first going to build or […]

Blender Guest Tutorial: Game of Life

Louis Brodnig is back with another great tutorial and a Game. Conway´s Game of Life to be exact. In this video he shows you how it works and how to make fun animations with it in Blender. Download Project File

Differential Line Growth

Blender Guest Tutorial: Differential Line Growth

We are happy to bring you another Blender tutorial with the help of Louis Brodnig. He will show you how to create a differential line growth setup with Blender Geometry Nodes that he used in his short film about Emergence. Check out Louis work on […]

Geometry Nodes Simulation: Relax Points

Often you’ll need point distributions with non-overlapping points. Be it that you want to pack scales onto the surface of a fish or distribute vegetation on your procedural terrain. Although the “distribute points on faces” node comes with a poisson disc mode to remove overlapping […]

Better Texture Tiling

Even if you have a perfect tilable texture with seamless borders you often run into problems when tiling the same texture often to cover large areas. If your texture happens to be irregular you might want to give this tiling trick a try to make […]

Procedural UV Unwrapping with Geometry Nodes

This tutorial uses Blender 3.3 Alpha. You can get this version from here: Download Experimental Builds Blender 3.3 Alpha adds nodes for procedural UV unwrapping. In this quick tip tutorial Manuel explains one way of using the new feature on some procedurally built rocks.

Noise Advection with Geometry Nodes

Advecting points through vector fields is often handy for different purposes. It can be used to visualize noise fields or vector volumes or just to create some beautiful abstracted graphics. Follow Manuel in this tutorial, while he hacks Geometry Nodes to make iterative advection along […]

Demystifying Hamburg’s Concert Hall’s Acoustic Panels

Having visited Hamburg recently I was smitten by the city’s concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie. What looks quite minimalistic from afar turns out to be an incredibly detailed building. Of special interes to me were the acoustic panels within the main concert hall, developed by Yasuhisa […]

Pack Points inside Objects with Geometry Nodes

Geometry Nodes offer a node to distribute points on the surface of another object. But scattering points inside of the volume of a object is not as simple. In this tutorial Manuel explains how to build a Geometry Nodes setup that does just that. First […]

Render Houdini Particles with Blender CyclesX via Geometry Nodes

Transferring data between DCCs is a cumbersome but necessary task. Particles are not yet supported via nodes inside of Blender for example and usually come in from somewhere else. In this tutorial Manuel shows you how to create a surface flow particle effect inside of […]

Geometry Nodes 3.0 – Plant Growth with Fields

Now that Blender 3.0 is in beta it is time for a little more advanced setup. In this tutorial Manuel will build a multi-layered growth effect. Fully procedural plants are scattered on a procedural terrain and controlled by an effector empty. They all grow individually […]

Geometry Nodes 3.0 – Cube Grid with Fields

The Geometry Nodes Team decided to redo the architecture of Geometry Nodes for the Blender 3.0 release. Fortunately we can have a look at the new way of working immediately by using the 3.0 Alpha. This tutorial creates a similar effect as my older Cube […]

Cube Grid – Use Color on Geometry Nodes Instances

Geometry Nodes inside of Blender is constantly updated and expanded on. Using the latest Blender 3.0 Alpha we can now transfer color to geometry generated through instances. This wasn’t possible before and opens a wide range of possibilities for creative expression in Blender. Follow Manuel […]

A Procedural Polka Dot Shader with Analytic Normals

Today we’ll build a procedural shader that produces a polka dot pattern. While this is quite informative, as we learn how to tile the uv space, the interesting part is creating the normal map. We want to use the implicit sphere equation to derive z […]

Create a Procedural Hatching Shader in Blender Cycles

Today Manu looks at another porcedural area of Blender, the shader editor. We build a procedural hatching shader that will come in handy for your next NPR project. You’ll learn about generating procedural lines and doing 3D shading yourself inside of the shader using the […]

Blender Geometry Nodes: Vertex Normals – Alien Orb

The development of Geometry Nodes inside of Blender does not slow down. Recently they added support for vertex normals on input meshes. Manu guides you through the stages required to build this space orb effect that relies on vertex normals. You’ll learn some procedural animation […]

Dynamic Outlines with Blender Geometry Nodes and Eevee

Now that Blender features procedural workflows with its lates feature addition Geometry Nodes its time for us to have a look at the other side of the fence. This tutorial mini-series looks into GN from a Houdini users perspective and explores what’s already there and […]

Exporting Alembics For Blender: A Few Hacks

EDIT: Thanks so much for the many comments & hints! Josh Rizzo on Twitter pointed out I’m missing a few import options when loading in the alembic. Here’s how to import animated attributes without a deforming/animated mesh:– Import Alembic– Check “Set Frame Range” and “Is Sequence” […]

Rendering Houdini Effects in Eevee

Since the release of Blender 2.8 people are looking into Eevee, their rasterisation real time render engine. Eevee is free and gives good and quick results, so why not bringing over effects from Houdini to render there. In this tutorial I’ll walk you through the […]

Nerd Rant: Blender Hype

You Asked for it – there you have it: Two hobgoblinish nerds rambling on about computer graphics in general and Blender and the recent hype in particular. EDIT: “That 3D Format” whose name we couldn’t remember turns out to be gltF – thanks Vasilis!

Quicktip: Blender – Alt-Navigation

In this Quicktip Manu will share his settings for combining standard navigation in Blender’s viewport while keeping most other shortcuts untouched to be able to follow Blender tutorials using Blender style shortcuts. Download Key Config (Blender 3.1)