Chris recently stumbled on an old interview from SideFX with Guerilla Games, the makers of Horizon: Zero Dawn. And in that interview Vladimir Lopatim shared a really neat setup of a space filling cable generator. Now, seven years later, there are a ton of new […]
All Posts tagged “Curves”
KineFX 101 – pt. 28: Building a Curve Controller for KineFX
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KineFX 101 – Pt.5: The Rig Attrib VOP
To view this content, you must be a member of Entagma’s Patreon at $29 or more
Move Geometry Along a Curve
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Season Finale: Procedural Subdivision Curves
Data Viz – ever tried creating a bunch of smoothly connecting lines manually? Me neither, that just seems too involved. Enter Houdini. But how do you create control vertices for those subdivision curves? In this tutorial we’ll roll our own little algorithm for creating control […]
VEX: Space Filling Curves (aka “that Windows 95 Screensaver”)
Another question that we’ve been asked is how to rebuild a setup similar to that infamous screensaver that slowly filled your display with a maze of pipes. Among various approaches (including some L-System experiments) the most naive setup won. Of course.