Chris recently stumbled on an old interview from SideFX with Guerilla Games, the makers of Horizon: Zero Dawn. And in that interview Vladimir Lopatim shared a really neat setup of a space filling cable generator. Now, seven years later, there are a ton of new nodes that make this setup a whole lot simpler, so it’s time for a modern rebuild!
The interview that inspired this video
Thanks u open a new Perspective for me ! !
As a beginner, I was keeping up well until I encountered what seemed like an unnecessarily complicated setup for randomizing cable thickness. Surely, there must be an easier way, right? While it’s great to demonstrate the more complex methods for educational purposes, viewers would also benefit from understanding simpler approaches.
Hey! There a multitude of ways you could solve this, however this setup really wants those random values to be sorted by size. We want to cut out the largest cables first and the smallest last. I personally chose this approach so I could preview the cable sizes before running the for loop.