You just want to distract yourself on twitter and you stumble upon this tweet by Daniel Piker. Naturally we had to give it a go in Houdini. And it turns out it can be done with surprisingly few nodes and without any sort of scripting… […]
All Posts tagged “Scatter”
Houdini In Five Minutes 06: Art Directing Your Scattered Spheres
How about we start art directing our scattered spheres and rebuild our setup so we can paint where we want our objects to got? Look no further! NOTE: As I might have mentioned, Mantra is by no means a fast render engine, so I decided […]
DIY Scatter Tool (Solving Problems in Houdini)
We get the question “why are you doing that setup this particular way?” reather often. As with most setups in Houdini there are many ways of building it. In this tutorial we’d like to go over different approaches of solving a very basic problem: Scattering […]