We made it. Up and running. Was about time. Entagma is our collection of stuff (a.k.a. resources) that we’d love to have known when we started diving into certain advanced areas of 3D computer graphics.
Topics like 3D scanning, simulation, retopo and of course Houdini. What we’re gonna build here is a collection of short tips, longer tutorials, helpful notes as well as files that we created while trying to solve certain issues inside of our 3D tools.
What we’d love to do is to make high level techniques available to the more design focused 3D artists. Motion graphics and VFX are converging and so is the underlying technology. Sadly learning resources haven’t really adapted to that trend yet. This is a small start in trying to bring the focus of a designer towards all the beautiful possibilities that tech can open up in a creative environment.
Be aware that we by no means consider ourselves finished on our learning path. This will be more of a documentation of things that occur to us and that we had to deal with. If you have any suggestions on improving our own work and our own setups – please don’t hesitate to comment or drop a line! Also if there are any toppics that you’d like to have covered – please let us know. Lastly if you create artwork using these techniques we’d be very happy to see it – we’re always intrigued what you come up with!
Let’ get this thing started!
sounds pretty cool and interesting!
Do you have some advice some tuts/training for an very Houdini newbie?
Entagma of course 🙂 Just stay tuned for more tutorials.
Peter Quint and Rohan Dalvi have good intro tuts. And don’t forget about the SideFX vimeo channel:
Also our friends Ben Watts and Simon Fiedler have quite nice tuts:
That is awesome guys! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
It would be nice to have an option to sign in for a newsletter, that way people would receive a notification when something new is posted!
Thanks – good idea! Haven’t thought about a newsletter but we’re gonna look into it.
Meanwhile you might want to consider following us on Facebook or Twitter as those are the places where we’re gonna announce new content.
Wow very nice. Love it. I really appreciate this.
Great! New place to learn! Good job guys.
VERY excited about this! Awesome guys, looking forward to seeing this develop : )
Great job guys!
really cool and nice ! tks you.
Hi Guys. Great job, so far and many thanks for doing this. Will you be doing more Python based stuff with C4D?
Hi Julian, glad you like the site. Chances are that there will be more python content in the future.
Many, many thanks for this invaluable resource. You guys are awesome for taking the time to contribute to the community in this way. I’ll be a frequent visitor as I begin my journey into Houdini from Cinema. Keep up the amazing work at Aixsponza by the way!
You guys are stars! Thank you so much for this much needed void in the newbie Houdini world!
I have just started to learn Houdini and your resources are really helping for better understanding of the software & also helping me to become a better artist!!