All Posts tagged “Export

Painterly Renders with Houdini Curves and Blender Grease Pencil

Welcome to this years first Blendini Tutorial…? Well, Blender has gotten really good at rendering brushstrokes with it’s Grease Pencil system – and Chris wants to have that functionality for his Houdini setups as well! So in this video, we’re first going to build or […]

OFFF Special: My First Vellum Sim

Back from OFFF 2022 and well rested, we managed to upload our talk’s very quick example of how to build and export your very first Vellum cloth simulation in Houdini. Enjoy! Download Project File

Python in Houdini: Controlling An Embroidery Machine (DST Export)

In what might be our most useless Houdini tutorial to date, Mo covers exporting Houdini geometry for use in an embroidery machine. Yep that’s right. You’re welcome. Setting up Python for Houdini: Virtual Embroidery in Houdini: Info on the .dst file format:… […]

Exporting Alembics For Blender: A Few Hacks

EDIT: Thanks so much for the many comments & hints! Josh Rizzo on Twitter pointed out I’m missing a few import options when loading in the alembic. Here’s how to import animated attributes without a deforming/animated mesh:– Import Alembic– Check “Set Frame Range” and “Is Sequence” […]

Houdini In Five Minutes 08: Exporting To Alembic

A few words on how to get our animated geo out into other tools. And more importantly a few thoughts about helping yourself when stuck in Houdini. NOTE: As I might have mentioned, Mantra is by no means a fast render engine, so I decided […]

Isocontours: Importing & Exporting Vectors to/from Houdini

Niklas Rosenstein is with us again! And if Niklas is in the house, chances for some Python code are pretty high. This time we’ll import vectors from Illustrator into Houdini, create an isocontour-effect and export the result back to illustrator.