1. Another great tutorial, really enjoying this series! I do have a question though:

    How does the addprim function (right at the beginning) know how to draw polylines between @ptnum and newpt?
    I just don’t understand how the newpt points aren’t now included in @ptnum, since those points have already been added. Like, how does it have 2 completely seperate lists of points to draw between if they’re now part of the same geometry stream?

    • > I just don’t understand how the newpt points aren’t now included in @ptnum, since those points have already been added. Like, how does it have 2 completely seperate lists of points to draw between if they’re now part of the same geometry stream?

      From the official docs [1]: “The addpoint, addprim, and addvertex functions let you create points, primitives, and vertices… All changes are queued and applied after your VEX code has iterated over all existing geometry.”

      So the collection of points that we’re adding don’t actually get added *during* your vex code, only *after* the post-vex code queue is applied. Hope that helps!

      [1] https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/snippets.html

  2. love the vex heaviness of this tutorial ironically, i have one question though, does the pop wrangle and geo wrangle nodes run each frame/simulation step ?or just once, i can tell that geo wrangle is running each frame as we are contracting the restlength incrementally but what about popwrangle?

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