1. Very neat!
    Any specific reason why you’re not using the vellum post-process node to tidy things up after the sim?

        • I mean – there really isn’t a specific reason in this case… Interesting side note (maybe) is that most of post process’ functionality can be built using attribblur and subdivision SOPs. But really, no specific reason. sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Cheers, Mo

  2. I found I needed to massively reduce the strength of the normalized vector force (* 0.004 instead of your *0.4) to get a similar behaviour, otherwise the cloth was attracted to the torus VERY powerfully.. pretty sure I followed everything exactly as per your demo… any ideas?

  3. i got same problem but i made
    vector f = normalize(npos – v@P) *.0004;
    like this and it is worked

  4. hello i add my animation in alembic and fbx formats but collider dont work and sphere(baloon) dont touch to my animation geometri, could you help me

    • Hi onder,

      make sure your animated geometry is converted to Houdini geometry. This often causes errors when using alembics. A simple way of fixing this would be to wire a convert node after your alembic node.

      Cheers, Mo

      • Dear Moritz, thank you so much … i like your studying technic, i would like to support you always…

  5. Really intersting how you went about this. I’m coming from Cinema4D and in that software you can simply add negative pressure to the soft body and it will shrink wrap anything inside. Could be neat to try in Houdini.

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