Crochet – Blending between Delaunay and Voronoi

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Here at Entagma we love to deal with yarns. This video extends the “yarn-effects” with a crochet approach. Using the delaunay triangulation of an input mesh and its dual diagram, the voronoi mesh, we build a procedural model that uses point color to blend smoothly between the two. That gives an intricate pattern, especially in the blending regions. As a bonus we animate the effect.

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  1. Thanks for the cool tutorial!
    There is always lots of different ways to do things in Houdini, but there was one aspect I found to be a little convoluted, which is the splitting up of the triangles using the vertex split node with the promoted attribute. This can also be done with a fuse node set to unique, just to keep things a little simpler.

  2. How does one get from the end of the tutorial to what we see in the banner image? Iā€™m referring specifically to the knots and variance in threads…all that organic detail

    • Well, I would try to resample each line. UV by rows/cols. Add some noise with ramped falloff towards the endpoints. Then copystamp small loops to that endpoints. And add ramped width attribute.. Then I would see if that makes any sense:)

  3. Francisco Bravo

    Hi, Amazing tutorial! I am really new to Houdini so I my question might be a little silly… but now how can I render this? I am using redshift…

  4. Hi Thoma and Francisco,

    the render setup is posted on our Patreon. You can access it there if you are willing to subscribe.

    Best Manuel

  5. While doing the linear interpolation, I tried just using lerp(vec,vec,float) and it doesnt work. it moves the point to y axis too. Why would that be? Thanks!

  6. This doesn’t seem to work correctly now in Houdini 18. It leaves garbage like at 12:56, even when checking “Promote to Point Attribute” in the vertex split. Any ideas?

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