Yes we’re aware there are some black frames in there, yes the audio is slightly offset, no we don’t have a proper intro yet… but…
Took us some time, but we’re (a)live again. This episode should’ve ended up being a test, hidden away in some arcane folder, but we were hyped about (nots of) our tech working, we decided to just release it as a prologue to what’s about to come on a biweekly basis: Nerd rants are back!
In this particular episode, Manu and Mo discuss what’s been going on behind the scenes for the past years, ramble on about redecorating a basement and are generally as awkward as ever.
Welcome Back Guys
Nice to have you guys back. Your Pop’s work is awesome & I would love a gallery walkthrough of his work. Thanks for everything.
Cool to hear that Blender has become so easy to use. That was not how people thought about it 20 years ago 🙂
Looking forward to the new tutorials!