Having visited Hamburg recently I was smitten by the city’s concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie. What looks quite minimalistic from afar turns out to be an incredibly detailed building. Of special interes to me were the acoustic panels within the main concert hall, developed by Yasuhisa […]
All Posts tagged “cycles”
Render Houdini Particles with Blender CyclesX via Geometry Nodes
Transferring data between DCCs is a cumbersome but necessary task. Particles are not yet supported via nodes inside of Blender for example and usually come in from somewhere else. In this tutorial Manuel shows you how to create a surface flow particle effect inside of […]
Geometry Nodes 3.0 – Cube Grid with Fields
The Geometry Nodes Team decided to redo the architecture of Geometry Nodes for the Blender 3.0 release. Fortunately we can have a look at the new way of working immediately by using the 3.0 Alpha. This tutorial creates a similar effect as my older Cube […]
Nerd Rant 2.0 – Ep.2: Rendering in Houdini?
We finally fixed our streaming setup, Manu had a haircut and the guys discuss if it is a good idea to render your projects in Houdini or if you should rather export to other tools.
Cube Grid – Use Color on Geometry Nodes Instances
Geometry Nodes inside of Blender is constantly updated and expanded on. Using the latest Blender 3.0 Alpha we can now transfer color to geometry generated through instances. This wasn’t possible before and opens a wide range of possibilities for creative expression in Blender. Follow Manuel […]
A Procedural Polka Dot Shader with Analytic Normals
Today we’ll build a procedural shader that produces a polka dot pattern. While this is quite informative, as we learn how to tile the uv space, the interesting part is creating the normal map. We want to use the implicit sphere equation to derive z […]
Create a Reveal Effect in Blender Geometry Nodes using Linear Falloff
Although Geometry Nodes does not support simulation yet, we can still use it to create effects that look like particles. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to implement a linear falloff using the dot product to control a lot of instances procedurally, We’ll then use […]
Create a Procedural Hatching Shader in Blender Cycles
Today Manu looks at another porcedural area of Blender, the shader editor. We build a procedural hatching shader that will come in handy for your next NPR project. You’ll learn about generating procedural lines and doing 3D shading yourself inside of the shader using the […]
Exporting Alembics For Blender: A Few Hacks
EDIT: Thanks so much for the many comments & hints! Josh Rizzo on Twitter pointed out I’m missing a few import options when loading in the alembic. Here’s how to import animated attributes without a deforming/animated mesh:– Import Alembic– Check “Set Frame Range” and “Is Sequence” […]