AHTYA 2.0 – pt. 00: Course Overview

We’re renewing our beginner course for Houdini. We’re creating “Adding Houdini To Your Arsenal 2.0”. The first version was one of the earliest courses on our Patreon and is now already four years old. Houdini has changed and so should this video series. So, get […]


Building a Latent Space in Houdini: Part 1 – Theory

This week we want to give you a lot more insight into what a latent space actually is and how it gets created. In this case not by using Stable Diffusion, but by building and training our own neural net inside Houdini, who’s only job […]

Curling Ribbons

Simulating Curling Ribbons in Vellum

The idea for this video came from a question on our Patreon Community Hub, asking us how we’d go about creating curling ribbons in vellum, similar to a very beautiful setup by Playback Design. And, as it turns out, this is a quite fun and […]

DIY Rendering Engine Like It’s 1975

What do you do when you need fast info passes rendered out but are too stupid to set up something in ROPs and too lazy to use Solaris? Right – you build yourself a 1970s render engine straight in SOPs. Clever? Not sure. Useful? Definitely. […]

Advanced Setups 23 – Controlling Stable Diffusion With Houdini

Of course Mo could take the high road and build a stable diffusion pipeline using Huggingface’s Diffusers library… But let’s not kid ourselves. Thanks to Automatic1111’s API Mo can duct tape together Houdini and WebUI to use both of these awe inspiring powerful tools to […]

Creating Escher Inspired Tiling Tesselations

Jeroen Claus happens “to know a particular kind of software that’s pretty good at applying a set of geometrical rules.” So he sets out to take you on a journey of building Escher inspired tesselations. Download Project Files (.hiplc)

Creating an AI Chimera Using Stable Diffusion

We continues poking into stable diffusion by giving a brief overview of what tokens and embeddings are and how the can be manipulated to blend between prompts. Finally we create some nonsensical animals. Huge thanks to Chris Hoffmann (ugly stupid honest) Notebook: Stable Diffusion Deep […]

Houdini Tutorial: Waddington Landscape

We are very excited to host our dear friend Dr. Jeroen Claus with a very special tutorial. He’s been working together with Tape Lab, UCL Cancer Research’s Cell Communication Laboratory, to visualise data from their study A Single-cell Perturbation Landscape of Colonic Stem Cell Polarisation, […]

Guest Course: Creating a Rolling Objects Solver – Part 1

View Full Course Here Please welcome our friend Bastian J. Schiffer who generously agreed not only to do a guest tutorial, but a full seven part course! In this begintermediate course, he is going to take you through the steps necessary to build a solver […]

Geometry Nodes Simulation: Relax Points

Often you’ll need point distributions with non-overlapping points. Be it that you want to pack scales onto the surface of a fish or distribute vegetation on your procedural terrain. Although the “distribute points on faces” node comes with a poisson disc mode to remove overlapping […]

Stable Diffusion 2.0 Quickstart

It’s come so far that even Mo couldn’t ignore AI any longer, so he reluctantly started diving into diffusion models. When he emerged a month later (and very unkempt) this is what he found out. This tutorial covers installing Stable Diffusion 2.0 using Automatic1111’s webUI, […]

Geometry Nodes Simulation: Advect by Curl Noise

Simulation inside of Geometry Nodes is finally possible with this “buffer” hack. After setting up the sim environment, Manuel explains to you what the curl of a vector field is all about and implements a version of curl noise to drive some simulated particles. Download […]

Connect The Dots with Geometry Nodes, The “Plexus” Effect

This time we’ll create the “plexus” effect with Geometry Nodes inside of Blender. Manuel shows you how to abuse geometry to fake a loop, that tests all connections between the points of an incoming point cloud and compares their lengths. Then, only the ones are […]