Simulating Fabric Hoses In Vellum (Or: How To Rip Off Your C4D Friends)

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Recently I’ve been talking to our dear friend and übertalented designer/creative/artist Vincent Schwenk about his recent main- and side projects. One thing that came up was a certain dynamics setup he’s been working on in Cinema 4D and we agreed it’d be a funny idea to see how we’d tackle something like it in Houdini.

So here’s my personal attempt to recreate those fabric hoses bouncing around while exhibiting all features of fabric surfaces.

If you’re more into the Cinema 4D side of things and would like to get an insight into Vincent’s process and techniques, you might want to visit his Patreon.

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  1. thank you very much for every thing , you are genuis and kind,
    could you please make a brief free tut about using ACES and how to convert hdri and textures to work correctly in that color space?

  2. Hey Moritz. Cool tutorial here. 😉 I can see this have a nice application to simulating seaweed swaying underwater….

  3. Tbh blender seems much better alternative today!
    Especially for being open-source software

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