All Posts tagged “guest

Guest Tutorial: Truchet Tiles by Simon Fiedler

We‘re very happy to have Houdini magician Simon Fiedler back on the show! Simon will show you how to build and arrange truchet tiles in Houdini! An idea he, oddly enough, got from viral soccer ball making videos! Download Project File

Guest Tutorial: Dart Throwing

We’re thrilled to have Andreas Catucci as a guest! Somehow aside from creating amazing work, he managed to record a video on a technique very dear to our hearts: Dart throwing. Sounds like simulating aerodynamics? Not quite. It’s a method to densely pack a surface […]

Creating Escher Inspired Tiling Tesselations

Jeroen Claus happens “to know a particular kind of software that’s pretty good at applying a set of geometrical rules.” So he sets out to take you on a journey of building Escher inspired tesselations. Download Project Files (.hiplc)

Guest Course: Creating a Rolling Objects Solver – Part 1

View Full Course Here Please welcome our friend Bastian J. Schiffer who generously agreed not only to do a guest tutorial, but a full seven part course! In this begintermediate course, he is going to take you through the steps necessary to build a solver […]

Guest Tutorial – Jeroen Claus: Origami Bunny

Super happy to have Phospho’s Jeroen Claus back to present one of his production setups, this time covering how to turn any geometry into an origami version of itself, inspired by the amazing work of Robby Kraft. Project Assets Download Project File

Guest Tutorial: Simon Fiedler – Controlling Swirly Particles

It finally happened – our dear friend Simon Fiedler agreed to record a guest tutorial for us. He decided to share one of his production tricks for controlling particles: Building a swirly vector field to advect particles. Although it looks organic and natural, it’s highly […]

Guest Tutorial: Path Solver

We’re thrilled to have Houdini artist supreme Vladyslav Lavrenov for a guest tutorial. And quite a hefty one! Vlad takes us through his reasoning and steps to build a path solver in Houdini to have seemingly random momevements on a grid form a coherent behaviour. […]

Guest Tutorial: Looping Flower Petals

We’re thrilled to have Houdini artist extraordinaire and educator Chris Kopic for a guest tutorial. Chris agreed to shed some light onto how he created this endless looping flower. Using vellum and a bit of houdini trickery. Download Project File

Guest Tutorial: Meshing Small Scale Flip Sims

Our friend Alvaro Moreira put quite a lot of work in optimizing small scale fluid meshes over the last couple of months. Today he wants to share his findings with the Entagma community. Watch him smooth a fluid’s surface while maintaining sharp creases between the […]

Isocontours: Importing & Exporting Vectors to/from Houdini

Niklas Rosenstein is with us again! And if Niklas is in the house, chances for some Python code are pretty high. This time we’ll import vectors from Illustrator into Houdini, create an isocontour-effect and export the result back to illustrator.

Guest Tutorial: Yader – Poly Garden

We’re happy to present to you another special guest on Entagma – this time it’s Yader (who some of you might know through his great Cinema 4D tutorials). In his tutorial he’s gonna shed some light on how he built his Poly Garden setup that […]

Special Guest Tutorial: Shortest Path Growth

Say hi to our very good friend Ben Watts of BW Design. We’re thrilled to have him on Entagma for a guest tutorial showing his newest technique for vein growth in Houdini without any VEX.