Hey! I think you should be able to wire a Gas Buoyancy microsolver in the same input as the Gas Resize node, however I don’t know if the Upres solver is able to work with this node, as it’s not a full pyrosim, just the bare minimum to easily increase the resolution. I’d rather tweak the bouyancy on my main pyro sim and leave the upres setup as is.
How does it work if we want to add a buoyancy parameter into the DOPnet ?
Hey! I think you should be able to wire a Gas Buoyancy microsolver in the same input as the Gas Resize node, however I don’t know if the Upres solver is able to work with this node, as it’s not a full pyrosim, just the bare minimum to easily increase the resolution. I’d rather tweak the bouyancy on my main pyro sim and leave the upres setup as is.