Nerd Rant 2.0 – Ep.4: Our Software Biography

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Part of: Nerd Rant
Nerd Rant

We still have offset audio, one camera is slightly out of focus and Mo starts requiring a haircut, but on the plus side we discuss our weird origin story in terms of apps and tools we used. To at some point in the future arrive at a conclusion what THE BEST (!!!) 3D app out there might be…

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  1. YESS!! POVray !! Got me in to lots of trouble at Uni… ( Admin:” You are using almost all the space on /BIGTMP. And stop touch *.gif every day…”) was the culprit. Still There !!!

    And we had AIXen with 19″ Screens 1280*1024 Those Dials and LPF Keys 64MB and some with even 128MB. we had 5 of them “publicly” accessible. Guess who spent his time 8-20 there!

    Later we found out, someone in the “Rechenzentrum” had an Indy…
    We surely shocked him a few times by not cleverly configuring our Doom clients…
    (Kinda forgot sound redirection, which then occured at said WS, instead of our local machines…)

    Biggest beast I got my hands on was an Fujitsu Siemens Vektor machine…. COOL BEAST. But sadly with a stringent job scheduling… You needed an application signed by your profs… But… *redacted*

  2. YESS!! POVray !! Got me in to lots of trouble at Uni… ( Admin:” You are using almost all the space on /BIGTMP. And stop touch *.gif every day…”) was the culprit. Still There !!!

    And we had AIXen with 19″ Screens 1280*1024 Those Dials and LPF Keys 64MB and some with even 128MB. we had 5 of them “publicly” accessible. Guess who spent his time 8-20 there!

    Later we found out, someone in the “Rechenzentrum” had an Indy…
    We surely shocked him a few times by not cleverly configuring our Doom clients…
    (Kinda forgot sound redirection, which then occured at said WS, instead of our local machines…)
    We later switched to playing MIDI MAZE !!
    (A really good thing to do on then ca. USD100,000 machines…)

    Later I bought myself an AIX off eB , which would have cost me at release date quite a 7 figure price tag for just 700. That was a cool thing. It ran 24/7 for almost 8 years with no hickups… (Try running WinAnything for more than 2 days without rebooting…. )

    Biggest beast I got my hands on was an Fujitsu Siemens Vektor machine…. COOL BEAST. But sadly with a stringent job scheduling… You needed an application signed by your profs… But… *redacted*

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