Production Setup: Audioreactive Particles Using Vellum & POPs

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You wanted to know how to set up something similar to Daniel Sierra’s “Oscillate” in Houdini. So in this tutorial we’ll walk you through the steps necessary to not only create an audioreactive Vellum simulation but also add secondary particles into that simulation and create further detail through VEX. Lastly we’ll also talk about setting this up for rendering using Octane.

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  1. Nice setup!
    Out of curiosity, how much time did you spend on developing this effect?

    • Hey Joost,

      spent about half a day cooking up the effect, then agonized two days over the rendering style. 🙂

      Cheers, Mo

  2. If you haven’t heard of it, I’d recommend MrViewer ( rather than using djv-view – missed it for years as well and I think this is how a image viewer should be. Anyway, many thanks for the tutorial Mo. 2 days? Unbelieveable how much work it is to publish a tutorial like this. Many thanks for doing what you do.
    Cheers, Christian

    • Ouh – thanks for the tip! Anything faster than djv-view would be highly appreciated indeed. And those two days do not include recording or editing – video tutorials can be a handful 🙂 (The two days agonizing over render styles was in parallel to another job though…)

      Thx & Cheers, Mo

      • It’s not necessarily faster but way better to work with IMHO – OpenEXR multilayer support, color spaces and especially encoding image sequences to movie files quickly, to only name a few of my personal highlights 😉 Have you tried it?
        Cheers, Christian

  3. Great setup, thanks.
    Any reason you would choose this over just carving an arc (as that will already take a 0-1 value for making your radial counters). I’m guessing viewport speed?

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