All Posts tagged “Vellum

Guest Tutorial: Looping Flower Petals

We’re thrilled to have Houdini artist extraordinaire and educator Chris Kopic for a guest tutorial. Chris agreed to shed some light onto how he created this endless looping flower. Using vellum and a bit of houdini trickery. Download Project File

Quicktip: Double Pendulum In Vellum

Another one of those physics/math/CG tropes is the double pendulum: Take a standard pendulum (one arm that can rotate around one or more axis) and attach another pundulum to its end. The fascination for this contraption comes from the fact that it behaves extremely different […]

Alien Orb: Vellum Grains & Redshift

The long (well – not really) lost holiday special surfaced! This was my first attempt at making something wintery, trying to cook up a snow globe. Turned out I tend to be better at producing weird alien orbs – so here we are.

Houdini 17 Is Here – A Quickstart to Vellum

One of the most exciting features that Houdini 17 introduces is Vellum: A new simulation framework based on XPBD. (Extended Postion Based Dynamics – In essence grains on steroids.) That means stable and fast simulation of (almost) everything softbody: Cloth, Wires and well – softbodies. […]